Prayers Of The People

We lift up to God these prayers…

We endeavor to keep this prayer list as up-to-date as possible. Names are usually removed after a month, but inclusion of names may easily be extended by contacting one of the clergy.

If you have submitted a name and would like prayers to continue, please let us know that via and we will gladly add them.
As a community of faith, let us hold these persons in our prayers:

We pray for strength and healing for all who have been, and continue to be, affected by the recent fires. Please reach out to us if you need any assistance during this time.  

Newly Added:  Family of Mike Cowan, Kristen Millsap, family of Leilani Williams

For Healing: Ruby Alcantara, Gilyard Alling, Jean Arrighi, Elvira Arrosqueta-Shaull, Ronan Bessler, Leslie Black, Jim Bolton, Steve Bozajian, Kathy and Tom Boon, Carol Browne, Felina Brown, Tom and Kathy Brunkhow, Garry Burdick and family, David Cannon, Joey Cooper, Family of Ed Cridland, Nicholas Cukurs, Kyrie Davis, Loyana Garcia, Family of Junko Ueno Garrett, Melissa Giles, John Evans, Chris Gillmon, Toni Gilyard, Tom Griffith, family of George Goesele, The Hain Family, Cindy Heckman, Mary Helfrich, Frank Hiltz, Alice Hurley, Lisa Jaffe, Lori Ketterling, Carole Lynn Keller, Ed Keller, Tom Kosakowski, Santos Kreimann, Anne Larson, Dace Lielausis, Meredith Lyon, Gail Marvin and family, Nan McCurdy, Sharon Morrow, Robyn Morse, Judi Mueller, Richard Myers, Alan Nobori, Raymond Newman,  Leslie Parham, Tommy Parham, Sue Prior, Jean Sommerville Proctor, Michael Quintin, Laura Rhodes, Sandra Salazar, Jean Shelby, Jill Shook, Mellanie Sinda, Frances Smith, Family of Mindy Snider, family of Alan Strand, Jim and Jean Strathdee and family, Tim Sun, Gary Sutherland, Emily Sy-Ongching, Lynnette Thirloway, Karen Thompson, Alexis Torres, Stan and Barbara Von Mayrhauser, Christopher Watson, Short and Watson Family, Leslie Wayne, Deb and Gary Webster, Jan Wentz, Gordy Wenzel, Family of Dave White

Prayer requests may be shared via and we will gladly add them.
For those hurt by the ongoing reality of systemic racism and the devaluing of lives of people of color.

For those infected with and by the Coronavirus and their families.

For the community: prayers for the poor, homeless, incarcerated, for those seeking employment, and for those suffering from mental illness and addiction, for young people who are “dreamers” and are fearful for their future, for victims of human trafficking and those living with sexual assault and abuse.

For refugees the world over who are the victims of war, terror and disaster, and for families separate dat our border, help us respond in love.

For the just resolution of conflict for the people of China, Congo, Cuba Darfur, Egypt, Georgia, Hong Kong, Iran, Iraq, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mexico, Myanmar, Native Americans, North Korea, Pakistan, Southern Sudan, Syria, Tibet, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Israel & Palestine.

For those impacted by recent natural disasters both in the US and abroad.